Monday, September 22, 2008

Aw, Thanks!

I've received this award from Brenda. Isn't it sweet? Now I'm to tap seven others whose blogs I enjoy. Just like the meme thing below, I apologize if it seems I can't count. I can, actually, since as we'll recall there is sometimes arithmetic in this blog! :) The thing is, I don't want to tap any of the same people Brenda tapped, I do want to tap blogs that stand out to me, and I have no idea if any of the following have already received this award or not. If so, I half apologize, and I half don't, because my picking you again just means more love for your blog. :) Jacqui Robbins (funny and smart), Tabitha Olson (full of good food for thought), The Bookshelf Muse (unique focus!), Anne Spollen (grabber topics, cool white-on-black look), and Angela Cerrito (for cultural focus). I hope I haven't forgotten any I'd really like to have here. But since I've never quite gotten to subscribing in a reader, I don't really have my blogs organized.
The idea is to copy this picture and post it on your blog, link to the person who gave you the award, give it to seven (or apply the fudge factor to arrive at your own number) others, link to them, and let them know what you've done. Well, you all have a great day -- now we should all stop procrastinating and get back to work. :)


Tabitha said...

How cool!! Though I can totally see why this was given to you. :) And thanks for passing it on! :)

Marcia said...

Thanks, Tabitha. I feel kind of disconnected right now; my personal life's in a bit of scramble and it's amazing how, once you get a bit of a blogging community going, what's really a short time away can seem like a long one. O how I love the postdating feature . . .

Kimbra Kasch said...

I'm going to have to pop by your friend's blogs.

Thanks for popping by my little cyber spot and posting a comment - I appreciate it.

Anne Spollen said...

Yes, your blog is always a wonderful stop. And thanks for the mention!

I'm starting to think that blog stops and blogging are constructive pocrastination" (I know, a true oxymoron). Sometimes when you sit at your keyboard struggling with a scene or grabbing the right word, it helps to know there are other folks out there in the same boat. A weird kind of comfort, but I that knowledge does help me to move on sometimes (when I'm not blog surfing)

Marcia said...

Thanks, Kim and Anne! Perhaps blogs have demonstrated that procrastination CAN be productive. Maybe someone should write a book on blogging called Learning Through Procrastination. :)It's a new thing for writers to be able to connect with other writers so instantly while pursuing such a solitary profession.